Friday, 26 June 2015

What are the Best Types-Techniques of Advertising? 10 Tips on How to Use them for Internet Marketing! ~ Top Best Sites List. Free Classifieds, SEO, Blog Websites

Effective Online Advertising Tips: 10 best Types & Techniques of hit Internet Marketing Ways/ methods

For "effective online advertising" it becomes mandatory to have knowledge of all of the best types and techniques of online marketing and advertising that are prevalent in today's time. 

Online marketing techniques are one of the most effective and significant tools and weapons for any online marketing, affiliate marketing, blog and website promoting campaigns. I have mentioned here "10 types of over all advertising" and 7 types of online advertising.

After reading these types and techniques of online marketing you will be able to utilize any types, techniques or tricks of online marketing and advertising to your favor. All the types and online advertising techniques described in here are very popular and effective for any online brand promotion, online marketing, and online product sales for a multi-directional online visibility improvement! 

Actually, these are most prevalent and the best types of online advertising. You can use these great types,tips and techniques to promote  any type of your marketing campaigns for online selling, marketing, or brand making.

10 types of online advertising techniques described below have best ROI ( return on investment). 

When it comes to selecting the types and techniques for your online marketing campaigns, the main trick is to find out which type of marketing techniques to adapt and which to avoid, which techniques could be the most rewarding and what could might prove mere wastage of time

There are so many types and techniques available on and off the internet for any type of marketing, including online advertising.

online advertising techniques
Online advertising tips and techniques

All 10 Types of Advertising

In today's modern time there could be existing n number of forms and types of online advertising as it is an ever-evolving field. 

But, if we talk about the prevalent advertising methods that are used by even top Advertising and marketing companies, then these are the 10 ways to advertise any business or service online or offline :-

  1. Television Advertising. (big, best, very costly. Most effective for mass-marketing)
  2. Radio Advertising (Based on geography, tastes, specific genre)
  3. Print Advertising (very popular and widely used mode of marketing)
  4. Online Advertising (Internet based, increasingly popular, online promotion)
  5. Street Advertising ( very old style, still in existence for local products)
  6. Covert Advertising (limited visibility-mainly used with Entertainment Media)
  7. Billboard Advertising (Quite popular in local places)
  8. In-store Advertising (less used-only popular with big brands)
  9. Referral Advertising (offline + online referral based advertising)
  10. Word of mouth Advertising  (This type of advertising will always work ! )

9 Types of online ads

Though, you can't  predict the number of existing "types of online ads" as online ads posting is an ever evolving vast field and every then and now new features are introduced into online ads in order to make them more effective and result oriented.

But, as of now there are 9 types of online ads based on their features and purposes they serve to the online customers whom to attract the online ads are being created or posted.

  1. Text ads. 
  2. Banner ads- Banner advertising is probably the most popular form of online advertising, and it could be sub categorized in a) static banner ads B) Flash banner ads and c) blinking ads. d) Animation banner ads 
  3. Text link ads.
  4. Signature ads.
  5. HTML ads.
  6. Video ads.
  7. Pop up ads.
  8. Musical ads or sound enabled ads.
  9. Bookmarks ads.

7 Types of 'online' advertising

  1. Pay per Click (PPC)-Google Adword is an excellent example of PPC .
  2. Affiliate marketing-one of the best type of online advertising.    
  3. Local places or Local Directory Listings (like Google places, Hot Frog, yahoo listings).
  4. Content advertising- Text, image, and video advertising. This is a popular advertising sub-form of content based marketing. 
  5. Social networking advertising.
  6. email advertising through email marketing.
  7. Online advertising through ad posting on classified sites.

First of all, you need to be aware about what all good types and techniques exist that have proved to be effective and have been tested and tried by leading online marketers. 

Then, find out what all advertising techniques could be most suitable for your own online advertising campaigns, i mean find the niche advertising techniques for your product. 

Knowing all types of advertising is different from using all types of advertising. Taking all is not well. Only the best suited ones.   

If you have done these two things-You are ready to kick start your online advertising for your ad campaigns 
effectively to improve online visibility of your brand.

I have mentioned about some common types of online advertising techniques in details. There could be many more that are becoming popular and surely lot more are in pipeline as the field of online advertising is evolving at a high pace due to the immense importance of online advertising in marketing and promotions for any type of businesses. 

Top Ten Techniques of Internet Marketing and advertising for 2015 

#1 Niche Advertising Technique

Amazon and eBay are the best examples of this theory that are utilizing this technique to their astounding sale profits.

Niche Marketing has become one of the most effective and popular types of advertising in the current marketing trends. And it has turned into a very significant and popular technique for effective online marketing. 

Niche advertising technique is strongly based on the concept of catering the very specific user group and it involves the concept of targeted advertising. 

It's increasingly becoming popular among online marketer, advertisers, webmasters, bloggers due to its sheer success in grabbing the targeted traffic for their blog, website, or any online products !

Niche marketing is mainly based upon 'The Long Tail Theory' . This theory says that it's very effective to sell large number of unique items in comparatively small quantities. In short, this technique is based upon the idea of 'sale less of more'

In brief, there could be countless types of online marketing tricks available to you, the trick is that you should select only what exactly suits to your niche product, and this is the essence of following niche advertising techniques. 

Narrowing down your marketing campaigns to target only the ‘most potential customers’ is the crux of niche marketing techniques.

#2 Social network marketing (SNM) 

The most popular online marketing strategy available today!

Social network marketing is the best type of online marketing available now-a-days which has been successfuly popular for the last few years and it's increasing day by day as most of the online users are using social networking sites for maintaining their social-personal as well as professional connections. 

Social media marketing is very effective and targeted since you have all the demographic information of the users. Hence you can precisely decide where to ad and whom to suggest what. Social networking could be very specific, unique, and particular. 

You may advertise on social networking sites through free as well as paid advertising methods.

Everyone is very well aware about the power and potential of social networking sites. For eg. Facebook has more than 750 million registered members on their site and advertising on Facebook could generate really awesome leads for your online as well as offline business or products. 

You can create free Facebook pages where you can have your products advertised in front of the people who give a 'like' to your page. Also you can take advantage of paid advertising on Facebook that could surely boost your product sales in no time along with creating a strong online presence for your products or online business.

Go ahead and embrace the facebook advertising mania. It's worth it !

Other than Facebook, you should try My Space, Twitter, Friendster, Bebo as social networking sites for best online social media marketing that really works for any business advertising campaigns.

Read the below given posts to for marketing over social media websites with the help of popular content promotion tools. 

#3 Social bookmarking- Quick, easy, and free!

Every online business or product marketers turn to bookmarking sites to submit bookmarks of their webpages, so they can be easily get found to their potential customers!  

Social Bookmarking sites are a great source of online traffic and you can use these social bookmarking sites to market your online products/business in many ways. 

Once you write any article/ blog/ promotional ad, you can simply bookmark it to the many well established and popularly big bookmarking sites where there are thousands or millions of users can access your landing page through bookmarking. 

Online SEO marketing through Social bookmarking sites can provide you a huge number of backlinks and unique daily visits to your main landing page/ site/ blog page. 

There are billions of online websites on the Internet and users are simply accessing their favorite web pages through bookmarking those pages. In return, your bookmarked page can rotate good number of visitors through bookmarks sharing and distribution process.

For an example, if an article or blog page is submitted to Digg, it can get thousands visits in a single day from Digg alone. Such is the effectiveness and popularity of online marketing through social bookmarking sites. 

Other than Digg, you may use, Technorati, Diigo, Reddit, SquiDoo, Google Bookmarks, Yahoo! Buzz, etc. 

Related Resources-  

I have mentioned here about the 25 most prominent social bookmarking sites for your online advertising campaign.

After seeing and experiencing the quick results by the usefulness of the social bookmarking sites for online advertising campaigns, i have written a blog post comprising of the list of 100 + most popular top best social bookmarking sites that leave positive impression for your effective SEO signals.

#4 Google-Places : Local advertising technique for Geo Targeting

[Google Places and yahoo Local have resulted in an excellent type of effective advertising techniques for promoting your business to Local area users.]

Google Places: Highest used online place for small business local marketing 

Google Places ( another one of the best services from Google ) is the best of all Local Online Advertising options. Google Places is increasingly becoming a very popular technique of effective advertising among local businesses (offline+online). The best part : This premium service is all free for use !

If used smartly, Google Places could be very effective online marketing technique for advertising your small business or products to a rather more local and highly potential customers. 

Google Places is an ideal advertising tool that comes for free and has the potential to deliver the desired results for your ad campaigns significantly. 

And, in terms of search engine traffic, it can send a large number of unique visitors to the product site on daily basis, if your product is ranking good with Google Places. Google Local Places is a highly desirable tool to improve Local SEO for any business. It provides a way for Geo-targeting. 

If any user searches any item city-wise on Google then first 3-5 listings among top 10 search results will be only from Google Places as Google puts local businesses first in their SERP's. 

This strong traffic signals from Google Places make it a very effective free marketing technique for Local business owners. Without spending a single penny on Ad posting. 

To sign-up for Google Places all you need to do is sign up through your Gmail account and create a free business listing on Google Places with uploads of Images and videos from You Tube ( or your own custom made).

#5 Video marketing: You Tube advertising technique

(Concept of 'Visual-Advertising-Technique')

This one is one of the most visual type of online advertising techniques and doesn't need any introduction. Google's You Tube is not only the number one video media site but also a hub place for online activities that involve product marketing, promoting, and branding of millions of products from small to big-sized companies across the world (online and offline alike)

You Tube's visual advertising is completely video-based. You can find n number of videos on any topic you might imagine, like videos in the form of : tutorials, stories, lessons, interesting clips, etc. 

You know that Google shows lots of special affection to videos uploaded using You tube and it shows them near the top of the pages of any Google search results. 

You Tube marketing methods are very effective and capable of creating huge viral traffic and quality backlinks to your webpage or blog post that could be finally converted in instant product lead generation for pre-selling and selling.

eBay, Amazon and all other online affiliate marketers mostly rely on You Tube for Online Adverting/promotion of their niche products. 

You just simply can't ignore You Tube video-marketing techniques if you seriously want to create good viral traffic for your online product campaigns.

Related Resources- find list of top 10 video search Engine Sites (see at the last paragraph of the post. The post mentions about 200+ free search engines along with Video Searching websites, like You tube.) 

#6 Yahoo ! Answers: one of the easiest online marketing tricks

(It can answer to any types of requirements for your product’s online advertisement and promotion- if used smartly and serenely !)

types-of-online-advertisingYahoo might not have initiated its now popular ' Yahoo Answer' section as a platform to promote things, ideas or anything else. It was started as a platform where the Yahoo community users could find answers for their queries/problems with the help of the other community members. 

But, this is true that many of 'Yahoo Answers' users use it as a an effective marketing technique to promote their affiliate marketing products , blogs or websites. 

This is because of only the single reason that a large number of 'Yahoo questions and answers' show in the top search results of many search engines.

In Yahoo ! Answer section search questions with keywords and answer it and your answer will be showing up with your link in it and If your answer is chosen to be the best, then it will bring a lot of targeted traffic .

In your answer or advice section there is a place for you to write about your source and that's the place to put your link in.
Briefly Yahoo Answer is a great advertising technique to increase the targeted traffic for your blog or website- all free of cost !

#7 Blog and forum commenting : Prime technique to get organic and viral online traffic

It can successfully create great backlinks and a viral traffic for your products page

Posting relevant comments in various forums and blogs has become very effective and popular link building technique in the recent years. 

Yes, commenting regularly on blog posts and forums that are relevant to your own blog content with your niche signature can bring you a lot of targeted traffic without spending any money, like on paid advertising. 

Search for blogs and forums using the keywords that you want to use as your link signature too.  

Just keep two things in mind while commenting: 

Blog-forum commenting could be a great tool to generate free traffic to your online campaign, but if it went wrong then could be very pain taking as well. 

#1-Do not post comments that seem like spams, and 
#2 always choose the relevant blogs and forums before you start posting your comments. 

Great technique. It's tested and tried. And it works !!

#8 eMail marketing techniques 

eMail Advertising is considered to be a great weapon for creating instant, loyal and long term Traffic Base !

eMail marketing techniques are your sure shot way to immediate success in creating base for consistent, constant and long term traffic generating source.

I am not only saying this from my personal experience alone but recently there is a report published by WebTrends® regarding advertising techniques, which says that :- 

"Retailers ranked email marketing as the most important demand-generation activity for holiday success, with Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) ranking second and third respectively. "

So, consider email advertising as a very effective weapon in your marketing arsenal.

#9 Online ad posting: A mean of free advertisement

Free and foremost way of effective online advertising

  • Posting classifieds ads on various ad posting sites could result in an effective, impactful,and powerful marketing method that could pave the way for long lasting marketing success.. 
  • As you might have seen that almost all of the top 10 results in several major search engines for most of the keywords belonging to different product and categories are dominated by classifieds sites. If you have your ads posted on these sites, certainly they will also receive part of the clicks made by potential consumers. 
  • You should post classifieds ads on at least 50-100 best classified sites using multiple content, formats and keywords. And post ads on a daily basis to stay near the top of page in search results for your niche topic. If you don't know what are all the best free sites to post free ads, you may try this list of 100+ top best free classified sites for ad posting.    




#10 Link-signature : Carry your marketing weapons wherever you go!

Used effectively in eMail Marketing and contented-commenting in forums and blog posts

Well, some might find this a too small in importance to mention it as a type of advertising techniques. But believe me this type of advertising technique can prove to be a very good traffic generator if used in a planned and effective way while posting contented comments in various popular forums and blog posts. 

Link-signature technique is a basic and integral part of any email marketing strategy. It is used by all online affiliate marketers as well as any online marketer intended to generate traffic for their links .

So, never miss out on putting your link signature on all out going emails to generate good click rate to your links. And, good referral traffic to your original content.

email marketing

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